Niche inventions can also have a huge impact

Slopesystem has not yet had the broad impact we had hoped for – but the system means a lot to a dedicated user base.

When we develop new products, we always aim to make as big an impact on the market as possible.

This was also the case with Slopesystem, a wire-based hoisting system that makes it easy for roofers to work on pitched roofs.

The system was released a few years ago, but never really took off. However, while there’s still some way to go before it’s mainstream, we did see a few new sales when we recently received the report from our royalty partner. And both our distributor and his customers were very happy with the solution.

An old acquaintance confirmed the impact

The fact that the system actually makes a difference to the end-user was confirmed quite by chance when one of the founders was home in Northern Jutland in connection with fastelavn (a Danish tradition).

He spoke with an old acquaintance from the town who has become a roofer. Not only was he a Slopesystem user, but he also explained that the system was the direct reason why his company was able to work more efficiently than everyone else and, therefore, won all the sloping roof jobs in Northern Jutland.

Even if an invention lives a quiet life for us, finding out how much of a difference it makes to those who have bought into it is hugely validating.

Read all about Slopesystem here:

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