We founded Lolle & Nielsen Inventions in 2010, and in 2013, we effectuated a strategy to work primarily with Research & Development and Intellectual Property, and we have not looked back since.
We have specialized in rethinking traditional patterns, and we approach each project with an open mindset to accomplish a high degree of originality every time. We put our engineering skills into action, and new products benefit from the knowledge of previous work. We insist on inventing!
2010: Company founded
In the summer of 2010 we – Andreas Lolle and Steffen Nielsen – completed our masters’ thesis at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen and decided to start the company Lolle & Nielsen Inventions together.
In the beginning, we planned to build the entire business around one product, but as we weren’t able to get the project funded, we were eventually forced to work on other projects as well. So this sparked the interest for inventing and kickstarting multiple projects, which became the backbone of Lolle & Nielsen Inventions.
2012: Improving the working environment
We got involved in the SmartMover-project alongside a handful of partners in 2010. We completed the project in 2012, and with SmartMover, we got our first patent and the first product on the market.
SmartMover has sold more than 1.200 machines and made a significant effect on the working environment for the bricklayers.
The project became the beginning of several products to improve the working environment in the building- and construction sector.

2013: First employees
After spending three years as two founders working on our own, we hired our first employees to help scale the number of active projects. Today we are a team of 6 inventors.

2016: The consumer market
The sit-stand desk ‘Opløft’ started as a need for a smarter and more dynamic solution for our own office. After a successful crowdfunding campaign, we partnered with Posturite for manufacturing and distribution.
Opløft became our first product to the consumer market and also the first furniture. Since then, we have developed a couple of other height adjustable desks, a functional bench for Copenhagen Business School and different types of street furniture for the Copenhagen municipality.

2018: Internet of Things
Our products were mainly mechatronic up until 2018. Together with Mylocker, we spotted a huge potential in a digital (IoT ) lock for cluster monitoring. The concept forged us to seek new skills within the field of firmware and software development.
The competencies opened for other projects such as the ´smart´ bike path in Egedal municipality.
IoT also added an entirely new dimension to the Conhoist concept. The IoT-technology made it possible to centrally monitor the crane system, which revealed a new business model Lift-as-a-Service.
2019: Furniture supplier
The bench we designed for Copenhagen Business School in 2017 became a great success, and CBS decided to make it their “signature-furniture” across the several locations at the campus.
Alongside our trusted subsuppliers, we chose to act as a furniture supplier to CBS. Carrying that role gives us great insight, which is useful when cooperating with our other partners that fulfill that role in our ordinary circumstances

2020: New strong partnership
For several years we dreamed of a trustworthy partnership with a company that would manufacture and market all of our new inventions for the building and construction sector.
In 2020 we found the guy to fulfill that role, and together we created the foundation for a brand new company Nordic Tech Tools. The company now holds the rights to Upclimber, and hopefully, many more inventions to come.
2021: Offspring Start-Up
We started the development of the IoT-lock, Ambitlocker with Mylocker, in 2017.In 2020 we got two strong investors onboarded, and in 2021 we were ready to kickstart the new start-up.
We are presented in the Board of Directors, and we will also continue to handle the mechanical and electrical engineering at Ambitlocker.

2023: New offspring Start-Up
Conhoist is a battery-driven IoT gantry crane system that fits any scaffolding roof. Conhoist lifts any load up to 800 kg in all three dimensions.
Conhoist ApS is it own company.
The product is ready for market launch in mid-2023.