A bold Christmas party made a yellow drum set move into our offices in Sydhavnen
At our annual ”Julefrokost” a few years back, we suddenly got a collective urge to start a company-band. However, you can’t have a band without something to play on, so why not get the instruments right away?
The following Monday, when the determination from the party has somewhat diminished, instruments started to arrive at the office: a guitar, a bass, various percussion gadgets and not least a big set of yellow Yamaha drums.
Since then, the instruments have inhabited our offices here in Sydhavnen. And while the decision might have been fueled by a moment of boldness, it has paid off tenfold!
Loud and Yellow
It started as a gimmick, but it quickly turned out, that the big, yellow drum set was often the first thing visitors noticed when they arrived at our offices. It’s hard to miss when you enter, and it has turned out to be the best icebreaker when meeting new people at our place.
Somehow, the instruments add to a certain vibe and identity at our place. We often find ourselves at well-established companies in somewhat traditional industries, which makes it a nice, alternative touch to our own office.
But what happened to the company-band, you might ask?
It didn’t ever really take off, but we occasionally use the instruments when we get our Friday croissants together. And on an individual level, we now have a place where it’s allowed to play a yellow Yahama drum set really loudly after hours.