Eelgrass back in Danish waters: MUDP highlights our project in their annual report

Our test of an eelgrass seeder has been a success, and now MUDP highlights the project in its annual report.

Eelgrass has disappeared from Danish waters, and if the underwater forest is to be re-established on a large scale, we need a seeder that works effectively under water.

At least that’s the thesis behind a project we are currently developing together with Blue Research.

Throughout the process, we have experienced great support for the project from both those interested in the environment as well as potential partners.

And now the project has also been highlighted in the MUDP (Environmental Technology Development and Demonstration Programme) annual report, which has supported the development of the project.

“Our approach is to sow the seeds because we believe that this is the way to scale up. In order to do that, we are working on developing a seeder that can sow large amounts of seeds on the sandy soil,” says Andreas Lolle in the article.

You can find the full article (in Danish) on p.22 of the publication here:

The first test results are incredibly promising, so we are currently applying for funding for the big development project.

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