Students are taking their exams remote – and we’re examining them

For the first time, we’re examining engineering students from Aalborg University and DTU remotely.

This time year is traditionally the time of exams. This is also the case this year, but Covid-19 has made things a little different.

We’re teaching at DTU and doing the censor job at Aalborg University, and now is the time for the 75 engineering students to complete their exams before they can take some time off and enjoy the summer.

But as something new, we have to help the students pass their verbal exams remotely.

Smooth first-timer

This is the first time we don’t meet in an examination room but do it all remotely. And we have of course been excited; how much would it suffer from not meeting face to face – and how much would it get hit by technical glitches?

Luckily, we can say that it has all been running very smoothly. The tech-gods have been on our side, and the students are doing very well from their livings rooms.

Now we’re just excited to see if this kind of examination is here to stay when the world is normalizing.

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