Our upcoming tool, Grindmaster, makes it easy and safe to remove toxic paint. With a grant from MUDP, it will now be fully automated.
Removing old paint from a wall is a hassle. If you’re doing it in a building from the 70s, there’s a high risk that the paint is also toxic, making the job both difficult and dangerous.
To get rid of paint containing PCBs or lead, the walls need to be ground down all the way to the concrete, which is noisy, dusty and heavy work.
That’s why we’ve spent the last few years working on a remote-controlled tool to make the work less gruelling.
The product is called Grindmaster, and it’s almost ready to be launched. Although we can’t show the product just yet, we already have some great news to share: Just before the turn of the year, we received a grant to make the robot fully automated from The Environmental Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (MUDP) under the Ministry of the Environment which provides grants for the development of new environmental technology for the benefit of climate and the environment.
Over a 2-year project, the sanding robot will learn to remove toxic paint automatically. And we are incredibly pleased with the confidence and support the grant gives us – especially considering the difference the product will make to the working environment.