Copenhagens new concert venue picked Ambitlocker as their wardrobe solution

Our IoT-enabled locker system Ambitlocker helps a new concert venue in Copenhagen keep the wardrobe lean for their guests. As an added benefit it creates a better flow before and after concerts.

When the new concert venue ’Stairway’ opened in the Vanløse-part of Copenhagen back in September, it was also the first test of Ambitlocker as a wardrobe-solution for a venue like that. And according to Jeppe Greve from Stairway, Ambitlocker was the right fit even before he knew about the system.

”I was looking for the right solution for our wardrobe. We had decided that a locker-solution would be the most effective way to do it and I had a self-service system in mind. So when I stumbled upon Ambitlocker it seemed like the right fit,” he says.

And because Ambitlocker both benefits guests and the venue he sees a huge potential in the system.

“As long as the venues can save a lot of money, keep the same capacity and avoid a lot of trouble with lines, I actually think the potential is huge,” he says.

Adds convenience

The launch of Stairway hasn’t gone quite as planned due to covid-restriction. However, the first concerts have taken place, and although they have been with seated guests, Ambitlocker has had the first couple of chances to prove itself.

”Of course, the users have to try it a couple of times before being completely comfortable with it, but it’s really intuitive. It’s just about getting our guests to know the solution, and as soon as they have tried it it’s easy,” Jeppe Greve says.

At Stairway, the guests simply scan a QR-code, register their name and phone number and pay with the payments system ”Mobilepay” (which 4 in 5 Danes already have). Then the system sends a code by text and the guests are ready to use the locker. No app-downloads or anything like that needed.

Facilitates a new flow

The payment module and flow have been tweaked along the way, but according to Jeppe Greve, it’s already easy to see the upsides of Ambitlocker.

”Our guests don’t have to carry a small piece of paper with their number around – which can get lost – and if they want to get something from their wardrobe during the concerts it’s much easier for them to find their locker instead of waiting in line. Ambitlocker is just a more modern, future-proof solution,” Jeppe Greve says.

Ambitlocker has really been a part of establishing a new flow less waiting in line before and after the concert, Greve explains:

“I’m sure our guests will enjoy the new flow even more once the concerts are back to what we are used to. With Ambitlocker it isn’t necessary to leave the concert as soon as the encore start playing if you want to avoid waiting in line for your jacket. And the same is true before the concert.”

Saves money

In general, Jeppe Greve likes the fairness of renting a locker. The guests have it for a fixed amount of time where they can open and close it as many times they want thanks to the IoT locks (contrary to coin-lockers). And they don’t have to argue over how many jackets can fit onto one hanger.

On top of that, there’s a significant financial upside for the venue.

“There is a lot of money to be saved with Ambitlocker compared to the old-fashioned wardrobe system, where people have to man the booth before, during and after the concert,” he says.

You can read more about Ambitlocker here.

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