Blog 1: New product: Bio-bag dispenser

A new solution developed with Copenhagen Municipality will make it even easier to sort food waste.

Food waste is converted into electricity, heat and gas in the City of Copenhagen. Therefore, the municipality wants to make it as easy as possible for citizens to sort their food waste so that it can be recycled. And getting the right waste bags should not be a barrier.

For some time, it has been possible for citizens to get free sorting bags at local libraries. We have recently won a tender to make it even easier: Now, there will be a bio-bag dispenser just around in the backyard of most apartments in the city.

The dispenser we’ve developed alongside the municipality is easy to fill and easy for users to use. Our design means that the dispenser doesn’t jam even though the bags are in soft plastic; a dry bag is always available.

The product has been in development and tendered and is being rolled out throughout Copenhagen right now. So much so that I almost collided with a delivery van filled with dispensers this morning.

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