Author name: Lolle & Nielsen

Why did we develop a smart bike path – and what is the impact?

We helped Egedal Municipality bring a playful and rather unusual bike path to life. Here’s why. Glowing animals adorn a special cycle path in Egedal Municipality that we helped develop. Here, you can learn why and how the luminous animals found their way to the cycle path. Why? Egedal Municipality wanted more children to use

Why did we develop a smart bike path – and what is the impact? Read More »

We’re still teaching at DTU – and the students keep amazing us

Same course, same amount of students, same curriculum – a bunch of new and inspiring ideas and inventions! 60 talented students are learning about design processes and being creative in a systematic manner in order to generate ideas and concepts. This is “Product analysis and redesign” on DTU, the course we’ve been teaching for a

We’re still teaching at DTU – and the students keep amazing us Read More »

Why did we develop a rack for waste bins – and what is the impact?

We developed our simplest and cheapest product yet alongside Copenhagen Municipality. Yet, it has made a real difference in its first year on the market. Waste sorting has become mandatory across the country. This poses a particular problem in small city apartments: How do you fit waste sorting into the limited square metres? We’ve been

Why did we develop a rack for waste bins – and what is the impact? Read More »

Why did we develop Opløft – and what is the impact?

We needed a compact height-adjustable table ourselves, which ended up making a difference for users worldwide. We launched our compact height-adjustable table as a project on Kickstarter back in 2016. While the Kickstarter experience and the journey from here to the market are stories in themselves, the desk has gained an international user base and

Why did we develop Opløft – and what is the impact? Read More »

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