We joined a network for scaleups at The Confederation of Danish Industry

Hanging out with likeminded people who is facing some of the same challenges growing their business has already been well worth the time invested.

The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) runs a scaleup network. A place where founders and CEO’s of fast-growing companies employing 20-100 people meet and share their experiences.

The network has been running for a year and we managed to get invited even though our organization is way smaller and growing less aggressively than our peers – maybe as some kind of wildcard.

However, our inventor background might have intrigued them and we actually face lot of the same challenges.

Band of Brothers

The network is primarily a space to talk about current developments in the company and share knowledge. Much more networking than speakers, which adds to the vibe of being among a gang of likeminded people who’s in a similar situation and tackling the same challenges as our company.

We came into the network with high expectation, and so far, they’ve been met. The group is full of entrepreneurial minds, the conversation build on trust and DI does a great job orchestrating the network.

Networking with these people have already tightened our focus and our strategy (more on that in a later post) which alone makes the network well worth the time. And we’ve only just started: We expect to gain much more alongside such amazing people – another great reminder to take time out of our schedule to really meet people.

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