We’re currently testing Conhoist in full scale with the help from Realdania.
Conhoist is one of our most extensive development projects to date: A battery-driven gantry crane system which fits on any scaffolding roof.
The project promises to help the building industry improve its working environment and be more effective. And after years of development, Coinhoist is approaching “ready for market”.
We’re currently testing the beta-prototype with a series of contractors – for the first time in 3 dimensions, which means they can move 1 ton of cargo in any dimensions with the help from Conhoist.

The whole development and 1:1-testing is co-financing by Realdania.
This has allowed us to document the effect as well as improve the concept in close collaboration with our customers. And that is exactly what we’re doing now alongside Herlev Stillads.
So far, the tests are looking very promising – meaning the contractors are feeling the gains from the system. And if everything goes as planned, we will be able to launch the final product in ultimo 2020/primo 2021.