Students from ‘Sustainable Design’ at the University of Aalborg visited us recently – and more companies should welcome them as their skills are crucial for sustainable transformation.
The students from ‘Sustainable Design’ at The University of Aalborg have a lot of important skills which can help companies unfold their sustainable transition and develop the sustainable processes and product of the future – no matter if it’s in the interest of financial, social or environmental sustainability.
In other words: The students from ‘Sustainable Design’ is an important resource for talented change makers. But too few companies know about the specialized field.
As part of the advisory board for the education – which is located in Sydhavnen in Copenhagen, just around the corner from our office – we’ve encouraged them to establish a ‘visiting club’. The point is to help companies learn about the students and what their education can do for their business – as well as letting the students meet the companies in order to adjust their curriculum for the companies’ needs.
It’s important to spread the knowledge about this field of study. For that reason, we help them find good companies to visit in our network – leading by example by inviting the students to visit our company recently:

If you want to learn more about the students – and what they can do for your business’ sustainable transformation – you can read more about ‘Sustainable Design’ here.