It has become that time of the year again: The new year is just around the corner, and if this isn’t the perfect time to look back at the year that has passed, we don’t know when it is. So let’s take a short look at our greatest hits in 2017!

1) Smart/Mover #600 was sold! Our first huge project has been going strong for several years, and it’s becoming an integral part of the building industry in Denmark – to a degree where competitors have started to notice it and make their own versions.

2) Another huge project – Conhoist – is on the move. We’ve been developing the system for a while and now the prototype is up and running for testing in the new year.

3) We co-developed the smart trash bin Tårnkurven, which has been live on Gothersgade this year. Hopefully you will se many more next year!

4) We were on a boat! (which we build ourselves!)

5) We initiated a new project with Egedahl Kommune – and a new project with the new hospital in Køge.
Bonus Tracks: Next Year

6) Opløft has been delayed more than once, but we’re closer than ever to the final version! A new prototype has just been finished, and if everything goes as planned we’ll be able to push the production-button and start shipping Opløfts before long!

7) Upclimber – our system for mounting windows – is done and will be launched! After several years in development the expectations are huge!

8) We just got our own electronic workshop, and we’re expecting to launch a few new project is the digital/IOT-space next year.
Thank you so much for following, reading and reacting to what we did in 2017. We can’t wait to see what 2018 have in store!