How we move project-development online

Virtual meetings on the Whereby platform has been key in our adaption to the new Corona-reality. And moving projects online has turned out to provide some surprising benefits for our workflow.

After a few weeks of working remotely, new habits are starting to be established, and we feel it’s time to reflect on some of the ways we do it.

I the old world, back before the Corona-virus hit the world, we worked closely together in groups around each project at the office. We still work in groups on each project, but we have had to move the group online only using the Whereby-platform.

Each project has gotten its own channel, and it has turned out to work surprisingly well – both as a platform for scheduled meetings and for more casual talk around the project. Sometimes we even manage to disturb each other’s meetings by randomly visiting a channel to check in on each other – a nice disturbance in a social low tide.

Virtual meetings are much more than effective

Of course, there are a lot of downsides working remotely. When what you do is inventing new, physical products some details are much easier to work out together in the real world than online, and the daily, social interaction in the office is lacking.

But one small win is the newfound love for the scheduled meeting. Usually, it’s easy to rescheduled or skip if a partner calls unexpectedly. But when you can’t just walk over to your colleagues (because you spend most of the time isolated at home) the meetings are suddenly a very important platform for well-planned, structured briefings.

That being said, we, of course, look forward to our daily ping-pong matches, our neighbour’s cakes, the workshop spirit and each others company back in the real world.