Hello world, and welcome to the very first blogpost on our very own blog!
Before we get the actual thing rolling, I want to take a moment to explain why we want to start blogging. Even thought the beautiful alliteration-heading should be reason enough, there’s actually more to it:
Every time the smallest thing happen in the company we tend to get exited. At the same time we realize, that you might not get as excited about the same company news as we do.
For that reason we didn’t just make this blog to spam Lolle & Nielsen-news and try to sell you stuff. We want to spend our time writting something meaningfull you will hopefully like to read.
The occational news about our company will be found here, but we’re more interested in taking you backstage and tell you how this good news happened and why it happened.
By sharing our knowledge and experience we hope that there will be something you will be able to take away from the blog as well;
If you’re a startup you might wanna know how and why we signed this new deal.
Thoughts on life time testing might be interresting to you as a product developer.
Or as a creative human being your might like our idea generation techniques.
We will brag about our great examples to show you how it’s done as well as our failures to show you how it isn’t.
Whether it’s in words, pictures, video og graphics – our purpose is to continuously create something of value for you. You will most likely have to be the invention-space as us to find it interesting, but really, who isn’t?
But, why?
Over time we hope this blog will lead to a meaningfull relationship to you, dear reader.
It might not come as a surprice, but this blog is kindda-some-part-of-our-marketing-strategi. Instead of throwing a shit ton of money we don’t have after advertising, we’ll rather spend our time doing something that will, hopefully, be valuable to both you and us.
We want to create a comminty around our interrest in product design, innovative engineering and inventions in general, and hopefully we’ll be able to get in touch with interresting, smart people along the way. People who will inspire us or help us make our products just a tiny bit better by participating in our community – or even partner with us in some way, who knows?
Come back soon for some actual content or sign up for our newsletter to be sure not to miss out.
Thank you so much for reading along.
/Steffen Nielsen Österberg, Partner in Lolle & Nielsen