An old dream about becoming part of ‘best practice’ for the working environment in the building industry has just become true.
In the earliest days of Lolle & Nielsen Inventions, before it was even officially a company yet, the two founders shared an office with “Branchefællesskabet for arbejdsmiljø i Bygge & Anlæg” (shortened BFA-BA – a community for the working environment in the building industry) while working on their master thesis.
Then as well as now, BFA-BA was well-known for their guides for working environment in the building industry, and already back then the founders talked about how cool it would be to develop a product that made such an impact on the working environment in the Danish building sector that it would make its way into this guide.
When the newest issue of the guidance for masons arrived (it only happens once every 5 years-ish), this early dream came true; both SmartMover, SmartPallet and SmartCutter has made their way into the guide – three product the Lolle & Nielsen team has been involved in developing.

The guide from BFA-BA isn’t law, just best practice for companies wanting to take care of their employees in the best possible way. And to be fair, they don’t mention the Smart-products by name – just by illustrations.
It might seem like a small victory, as it doesn’t say anything about the commercial success of the inventions. Nevertheless, it’s a stamp of approval that we’re very proud of: It shows that our dedication to finding new solutions that improve working environment is actually making a difference in the market.
In 10 short years, we’ve managed to establish ourselves as a significant player for working environment in the building industry and make a real impact alongside our amazing partner.
Actually, one of the founders experienced just how true this is the other day: On his way to the office, he drove past a building site which both used the SmartMover at ground-level and on scaffolding – accompanied by SmartCutter and SmartPallet which made all three products available to the workers on the site. Which is the biggest motivation to keep doing what we do!