A free flow of ideas is better for business and much more fun than an endless stream of NDA’s and negotiation.
After developing our window mounting system Upclimber we made a partnership with Nordic Tech Tools to commercialize the invention. A partnership that started out as a simple royalty agreement but has grown into much more.
As we got to know each other, we started pitching ideas back and forth. New ideas for both the product as well as supporting sales and funding opportunities etc.
When the trust was established on top of a strong fundamental belief in the product from both parties, the ideas started to flow freely. Trust made it possible to set aside contracts and NDA’s for every little suggestion – and instead focus on pulling in the same direction.
Read more about Nordic Tech Tools here.
Trust-driven partnerships
When a partnership is built on trust that, it sparks an avalanche of additional value to the partnership, which fundamentally adds to the drive of the whole project.
We already have a handful of well-established strategical partners and our recent collaborations with Nordic Tech Tools have just reconfirmed our belief in such partnerships driven by trust.
As we continuously increase the range of industries for our inventions, we will keep adding new partners. Every time it brings new energy to our team. And with the right mixture of trust and a common goal (developing a great product while doing business in a specific area) as well as shared risk, we’ve seen how fruitful those partnerships become.