Our inventions are doing much better than our own balance sheet shows. Thanks to partnerships and royalty agreements, what we do also impact and employ people outside our own ranks.
Since Lolle & Nielsen Inventions was started as a two-man-army more than a decade ago, it has steadily grown into a healthy business. Today the company consists of a talented team fully occupied with bringing new inventions into this world – with annual revenue closing in on 5m kroner.
However, this number doesn’t tell much about how well our inventions are actually doing on the market. In reality, they are generating way more than what our own team size and balance sheet show; our newest estimate is DKK 20M annually and 15-20 full-time employees throughout the value chain.
Product company (minus sales and manufacturing)
We invent products, but in many ways, we are not your typical product company.
Lolle & Nielsen Inventions conceptualize, develop and bring new, physical products to market. But we mainly focus on development while manufacturing and sales is handled by our amazing partners through royal and licensing agreements.
This means only a fraction of the actual turnover is reflected on our own balance sheet. Which fits our model perfectly; it is exactly what allows us to spend all of our time developing instead of manufacturing and selling.
However, we are extremely proud that our inventions do so well in the market, that it allows other people to make a living from them. Across industries and sectors, that is. This is really all you can ask for as an inventor: Getting to make products that impact the market.